Colorado Media Ltd


You can build your website with us,
or have us build it for you.

Build your business with our help

Front End Editing

Divi makes it easy to build your site with us

The front end visual builder is as easy as drag and drop, move around, upload and size the way you want, and before you know it, you’re done!

No knowledge necessary

You don’t need to be computer savvy, speak C++, or know any code.

Exclusive plugins

With the tools we provide, everything you could ever need is included

Modules and Themes for everyone

From photographers to barbers, rock hounds to new moms, behavioral health professionals to  corporations, there are formats waiting for you!

Make your site your way…

Designing websites is an art. Sometimes, the only way to make it exactly as you had imagined, you need to do it yourself. We totally get it, and can help!

… with all the tools you’ll need

With Divi and WordPress, it’s as easy as can be. Drag and drop, edit on the front end, what you see is what you’ll get. Those are buzz words for easy, but can’t overstate: it’s really easy.

Or we can build & maintain it for you!

We can set everything up, get a basic design, you can edit it yourself or tell us what to change, and we can keep it running – all for one small monthly, yearly or one-time fee. Whether you want a cheap website, or an extensive and fancy site, we can help.

 Colorado company

Get your domain, host it with COMedia, and build your own site

or have Colorado Media build and maintain it for you

You can save more than 17% with an annual plan,
or even more with a lifetime package!

Let’s Build Something!

With our help or our services, it’s never been easier!

Colorado Media Ltd

CO Media was founded Dec 22 to provide for you all-in-one website services, hosting, email, design, domain registration and additional media purposes.

Send us an email or meet with us face to face in Grand Junction, CO
to learn more!




Comprehensive Services



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